Module abi

Module abi

Provides message encoding and decoding according to the ABI specification.


encode_message_body – Encodes message body according to ABI function call.


encode_message – Encodes an ABI-compatible message

encode_internal_message – Encodes an internal ABI-compatible message

attach_signature – Combines hex-encoded signature with base64-encoded unsigned_message. Returns signed message encoded in base64.

decode_message – Decodes message body using provided message BOC and ABI.

decode_message_body – Decodes message body using provided body BOC and ABI.

encode_account – Creates account state BOC

decode_account_data – Decodes account data using provided data BOC and ABI.

update_initial_data – Updates initial account data with initial values for the contract's static variables and owner's public key. This operation is applicable only for initial account data (before deploy). If the contract is already deployed, its data doesn't contain this data section any more.

encode_initial_data – Encodes initial account data with initial values for the contract's static variables and owner's public key into a data BOC that can be passed to encode_tvc function afterwards.

decode_initial_data – Decodes initial values of a contract's static variables and owner's public key from account initial data This operation is applicable only for initial account data (before deploy). If the contract is already deployed, its data doesn't contain this data section any more.

decode_boc – Decodes BOC into JSON as a set of provided parameters.

encode_boc – Encodes given parameters in JSON into a BOC using param types from ABI.

calc_function_id – Calculates contract function ID by contract ABI

get_signature_data – Extracts signature from message body and calculates hash to verify the signature









FunctionHeader – The ABI function header.



SignerNoneVariant – No keys are provided.

SignerExternalVariant – Only public key is provided in unprefixed hex string format to generate unsigned message and data_to_sign which can be signed later.

SignerKeysVariant – Key pair is provided for signing

SignerSigningBoxVariant – Signing Box interface is provided for signing, allows Dapps to sign messages using external APIs, such as HSM, cold wallet, etc.










































Encodes message body according to ABI function call.

type ParamsOfEncodeMessageBody = {
    abi: Abi,
    call_set: CallSet,
    is_internal: boolean,
    signer: Signer,
    processing_try_index?: number,
    address?: string,
    signature_id?: number

type ResultOfEncodeMessageBody = {
    body: string,
    data_to_sign?: string

function encode_message_body(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeMessageBody,
): Promise<ResultOfEncodeMessageBody>;

function encode_message_body_sync(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeMessageBody,
): ResultOfEncodeMessageBody;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI.

  • call_set: CallSet – Function call parameters. Must be specified in non deploy message. In case of deploy message contains parameters of constructor.

  • is_internal: boolean – True if internal message body must be encoded.

  • signer: Signer – Signing parameters.

  • processing_try_index?: number – Processing try index. Used in message processing with retries. Encoder uses the provided try index to calculate message expiration time. Expiration timeouts will grow with every retry. Default value is 0.

  • address?: string – Destination address of the message Since ABI version 2.3 destination address of external inbound message is used in message body signature calculation. Should be provided when signed external inbound message body is created. Otherwise can be omitted.

  • signature_id?: number – Signature ID to be used in data to sign preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled


  • body: string – Message body BOC encoded with base64.

  • data_to_sign?: string – Optional data to sign. Encoded with base64. Presents when message is unsigned. Can be used for external message signing. Is this case you need to sing this data and produce signed message using abi.attach_signature.


type ParamsOfAttachSignatureToMessageBody = {
    abi: Abi,
    public_key: string,
    message: string,
    signature: string

type ResultOfAttachSignatureToMessageBody = {
    body: string

function attach_signature_to_message_body(
    params: ParamsOfAttachSignatureToMessageBody,
): Promise<ResultOfAttachSignatureToMessageBody>;

function attach_signature_to_message_body_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAttachSignatureToMessageBody,
): ResultOfAttachSignatureToMessageBody;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI

  • public_key: string – Public key. Must be encoded with hex.

  • message: string – Unsigned message body BOC. Must be encoded with base64.

  • signature: string – Signature. Must be encoded with hex.


  • body: string


Encodes an ABI-compatible message

Allows to encode deploy and function call messages, both signed and unsigned.

Use cases include messages of any possible type:

  • deploy with initial function call (i.e. constructor or any other function that is used for some kind of initialization);

  • deploy without initial function call;

  • signed/unsigned + data for signing.

Signer defines how the message should or shouldn't be signed:

Signer::None creates an unsigned message. This may be needed in case of some public methods, that do not require authorization by pubkey.

Signer::External takes public key and returns data_to_sign for later signing. Use attach_signature method with the result signature to get the signed message.

Signer::Keys creates a signed message with provided key pair.

[SOON] Signer::SigningBox Allows using a special interface to implement signing without private key disclosure to SDK. For instance, in case of using a cold wallet or HSM, when application calls some API to sign data.

There is an optional public key can be provided in deploy set in order to substitute one in TVM file.

Public key resolving priority:

  1. Public key from deploy set.

  2. Public key, specified in TVM file.

  3. Public key, provided by signer.

type ParamsOfEncodeMessage = {
    abi: Abi,
    address?: string,
    deploy_set?: DeploySet,
    call_set?: CallSet,
    signer: Signer,
    processing_try_index?: number,
    signature_id?: number

type ResultOfEncodeMessage = {
    message: string,
    data_to_sign?: string,
    address: string,
    message_id: string

function encode_message(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeMessage,
): Promise<ResultOfEncodeMessage>;

function encode_message_sync(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeMessage,
): ResultOfEncodeMessage;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI.

  • address?: string – Target address the message will be sent to. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.

  • deploy_set?: DeploySet – Deploy parameters. Must be specified in case of deploy message.

  • call_set?: CallSet – Function call parameters. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message. In case of deploy message it is optional and contains parameters of the functions that will to be called upon deploy transaction.

  • signer: Signer – Signing parameters.

  • processing_try_index?: number – Processing try index. Used in message processing with retries (if contract's ABI includes "expire" header). Encoder uses the provided try index to calculate message expiration time. The 1st message expiration time is specified in Client config. Expiration timeouts will grow with every retry. Retry grow factor is set in Client config: <.....add config parameter with default value here> Default value is 0.

  • signature_id?: number – Signature ID to be used in data to sign preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled


  • message: string – Message BOC encoded with base64.

  • data_to_sign?: string – Optional data to be signed encoded in base64. Returned in case of Signer::External. Can be used for external message signing. Is this case you need to use this data to create signature and then produce signed message using abi.attach_signature.

  • address: string – Destination address.

  • message_id: string – Message id.


Encodes an internal ABI-compatible message

Allows to encode deploy and function call messages.

Use cases include messages of any possible type:

  • deploy with initial function call (i.e. constructor or any other function that is used for some kind of initialization);

  • deploy without initial function call;

  • simple function call

There is an optional public key can be provided in deploy set in order to substitute one in TVM file.

Public key resolving priority:

  1. Public key from deploy set.

  2. Public key, specified in TVM file.

type ParamsOfEncodeInternalMessage = {
    abi?: Abi,
    address?: string,
    src_address?: string,
    deploy_set?: DeploySet,
    call_set?: CallSet,
    value: string,
    bounce?: boolean,
    enable_ihr?: boolean

type ResultOfEncodeInternalMessage = {
    message: string,
    address: string,
    message_id: string

function encode_internal_message(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeInternalMessage,
): Promise<ResultOfEncodeInternalMessage>;

function encode_internal_message_sync(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeInternalMessage,
): ResultOfEncodeInternalMessage;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • abi?: Abi – Contract ABI. Can be None if both deploy_set and call_set are None.

  • address?: string – Target address the message will be sent to. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.

  • src_address?: string – Source address of the message.

  • deploy_set?: DeploySet – Deploy parameters. Must be specified in case of deploy message.

  • call_set?: CallSet – Function call parameters. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message. In case of deploy message it is optional and contains parameters of the functions that will to be called upon deploy transaction.

  • value: string – Value in nanotokens to be sent with message.

  • bounce?: boolean – Flag of bounceable message. Default is true.

  • enable_ihr?: boolean – Enable Instant Hypercube Routing for the message. Default is false.


  • message: string – Message BOC encoded with base64.

  • address: string – Destination address.

  • message_id: string – Message id.


Combines hex-encoded signature with base64-encoded unsigned_message. Returns signed message encoded in base64.

type ParamsOfAttachSignature = {
    abi: Abi,
    public_key: string,
    message: string,
    signature: string

type ResultOfAttachSignature = {
    message: string,
    message_id: string

function attach_signature(
    params: ParamsOfAttachSignature,
): Promise<ResultOfAttachSignature>;

function attach_signature_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAttachSignature,
): ResultOfAttachSignature;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI

  • public_key: string – Public key encoded in hex.

  • message: string – Unsigned message BOC encoded in base64.

  • signature: string – Signature encoded in hex.


  • message: string – Signed message BOC

  • message_id: string – Message ID


Decodes message body using provided message BOC and ABI.

type ParamsOfDecodeMessage = {
    abi: Abi,
    message: string,
    allow_partial?: boolean,
    function_name?: string,
    data_layout?: DataLayout

type DecodedMessageBody = {
    body_type: MessageBodyType,
    name: string,
    value?: any,
    header?: FunctionHeader

function decode_message(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeMessage,
): Promise<DecodedMessageBody>;

function decode_message_sync(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeMessage,
): DecodedMessageBody;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • abi: Abi – contract ABI

  • message: string – Message BOC

  • allow_partial?: boolean – Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: true - return decoded values false - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)

  • function_name?: string – Function name or function id if is known in advance

  • data_layout?: DataLayout


  • body_type: MessageBodyType – Type of the message body content.

  • name: string – Function or event name.

  • value?: any – Parameters or result value.

  • header?: FunctionHeader – Function header.


Decodes message body using provided body BOC and ABI.

type ParamsOfDecodeMessageBody = {
    abi: Abi,
    body: string,
    is_internal: boolean,
    allow_partial?: boolean,
    function_name?: string,
    data_layout?: DataLayout

type DecodedMessageBody = {
    body_type: MessageBodyType,
    name: string,
    value?: any,
    header?: FunctionHeader

function decode_message_body(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeMessageBody,
): Promise<DecodedMessageBody>;

function decode_message_body_sync(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeMessageBody,
): DecodedMessageBody;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI used to decode.

  • body: string – Message body BOC encoded in base64.

  • is_internal: boolean – True if the body belongs to the internal message.

  • allow_partial?: boolean – Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: true - return decoded values false - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)

  • function_name?: string – Function name or function id if is known in advance

  • data_layout?: DataLayout


  • body_type: MessageBodyType – Type of the message body content.

  • name: string – Function or event name.

  • value?: any – Parameters or result value.

  • header?: FunctionHeader – Function header.


Creates account state BOC

type ParamsOfEncodeAccount = {
    state_init: string,
    balance?: bigint,
    last_trans_lt?: bigint,
    last_paid?: number,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType

type ResultOfEncodeAccount = {
    account: string,
    id: string

function encode_account(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeAccount,
): Promise<ResultOfEncodeAccount>;

function encode_account_sync(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeAccount,
): ResultOfEncodeAccount;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • state_init: string – Account state init.

  • balance?: bigint – Initial balance.

  • last_trans_lt?: bigint – Initial value for the last_trans_lt.

  • last_paid?: number – Initial value for the last_paid.

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided


  • account: string – Account BOC encoded in base64.

  • id: string – Account ID encoded in hex.


Decodes account data using provided data BOC and ABI.

Note: this feature requires ABI 2.1 or higher.

type ParamsOfDecodeAccountData = {
    abi: Abi,
    data: string,
    allow_partial?: boolean

type ResultOfDecodeAccountData = {
    data: any

function decode_account_data(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeAccountData,
): Promise<ResultOfDecodeAccountData>;

function decode_account_data_sync(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeAccountData,
): ResultOfDecodeAccountData;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI

  • data: string – Data BOC or BOC handle

  • allow_partial?: boolean – Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: true - return decoded values false - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)


  • data: any – Decoded data as a JSON structure.


Updates initial account data with initial values for the contract's static variables and owner's public key. This operation is applicable only for initial account data (before deploy). If the contract is already deployed, its data doesn't contain this data section any more.

Doesn't support ABI version >= 2.4. Use encode_initial_data instead

type ParamsOfUpdateInitialData = {
    abi: Abi,
    data: string,
    initial_data?: any,
    initial_pubkey?: string,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType

type ResultOfUpdateInitialData = {
    data: string

function update_initial_data(
    params: ParamsOfUpdateInitialData,
): Promise<ResultOfUpdateInitialData>;

function update_initial_data_sync(
    params: ParamsOfUpdateInitialData,
): ResultOfUpdateInitialData;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI

  • data: string – Data BOC or BOC handle

  • initial_data?: any – List of initial values for contract's static variables. abi parameter should be provided to set initial data

  • initial_pubkey?: string – Initial account owner's public key to set into account data

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.


  • data: string – Updated data BOC or BOC handle


Encodes initial account data with initial values for the contract's static variables and owner's public key into a data BOC that can be passed to encode_tvc function afterwards.

This function is analogue of tvm.buildDataInit function in Solidity.

type ParamsOfEncodeInitialData = {
    abi: Abi,
    initial_data?: any,
    initial_pubkey?: string,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType

type ResultOfEncodeInitialData = {
    data: string

function encode_initial_data(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeInitialData,
): Promise<ResultOfEncodeInitialData>;

function encode_initial_data_sync(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeInitialData,
): ResultOfEncodeInitialData;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI

  • initial_data?: any – List of initial values for contract's static variables. abi parameter should be provided to set initial data

  • initial_pubkey?: string – Initial account owner's public key to set into account data

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.


  • data: string – Updated data BOC or BOC handle


Decodes initial values of a contract's static variables and owner's public key from account initial data This operation is applicable only for initial account data (before deploy). If the contract is already deployed, its data doesn't contain this data section any more.

Doesn't support ABI version >= 2.4. Use decode_account_data instead

type ParamsOfDecodeInitialData = {
    abi: Abi,
    data: string,
    allow_partial?: boolean

type ResultOfDecodeInitialData = {
    initial_data: any,
    initial_pubkey: string

function decode_initial_data(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeInitialData,
): Promise<ResultOfDecodeInitialData>;

function decode_initial_data_sync(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeInitialData,
): ResultOfDecodeInitialData;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI. Initial data is decoded if this parameter is provided

  • data: string – Data BOC or BOC handle

  • allow_partial?: boolean – Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: true - return decoded values false - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)


  • initial_data: any – List of initial values of contract's public variables. Initial data is decoded if abi input parameter is provided

  • initial_pubkey: string – Initial account owner's public key


Decodes BOC into JSON as a set of provided parameters.

Solidity functions use ABI types for builder encoding. The simplest way to decode such a BOC is to use ABI decoding. ABI has it own rules for fields layout in cells so manually encoded BOC can not be described in terms of ABI rules.

To solve this problem we introduce a new ABI type Ref(<ParamType>) which allows to store ParamType ABI parameter in cell reference and, thus, decode manually encoded BOCs. This type is available only in decode_boc function and will not be available in ABI messages encoding until it is included into some ABI revision.

Such BOC descriptions covers most users needs. If someone wants to decode some BOC which can not be described by these rules (i.e. BOC with TLB containing constructors of flags defining some parsing conditions) then they can decode the fields up to fork condition, check the parsed data manually, expand the parsing schema and then decode the whole BOC with the full schema.

type ParamsOfDecodeBoc = {
    params: AbiParam[],
    boc: string,
    allow_partial: boolean

type ResultOfDecodeBoc = {
    data: any

function decode_boc(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeBoc,
): Promise<ResultOfDecodeBoc>;

function decode_boc_sync(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeBoc,
): ResultOfDecodeBoc;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • params: AbiParam[] – Parameters to decode from BOC

  • boc: string – Data BOC or BOC handle

  • allow_partial: boolean


  • data: any – Decoded data as a JSON structure.


Encodes given parameters in JSON into a BOC using param types from ABI.

type ParamsOfAbiEncodeBoc = {
    params: AbiParam[],
    data: any,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType

type ResultOfAbiEncodeBoc = {
    boc: string

function encode_boc(
    params: ParamsOfAbiEncodeBoc,
): Promise<ResultOfAbiEncodeBoc>;

function encode_boc_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAbiEncodeBoc,
): ResultOfAbiEncodeBoc;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • params: AbiParam[] – Parameters to encode into BOC

  • data: any – Parameters and values as a JSON structure

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided


  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64


Calculates contract function ID by contract ABI

type ParamsOfCalcFunctionId = {
    abi: Abi,
    function_name: string,
    output?: boolean

type ResultOfCalcFunctionId = {
    function_id: number

function calc_function_id(
    params: ParamsOfCalcFunctionId,
): Promise<ResultOfCalcFunctionId>;

function calc_function_id_sync(
    params: ParamsOfCalcFunctionId,
): ResultOfCalcFunctionId;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI.

  • function_name: string – Contract function name

  • output?: boolean – If set to true output function ID will be returned which is used in contract response. Default is false


  • function_id: number – Contract function ID


Extracts signature from message body and calculates hash to verify the signature

type ParamsOfGetSignatureData = {
    abi: Abi,
    message: string,
    signature_id?: number

type ResultOfGetSignatureData = {
    signature: string,
    unsigned: string

function get_signature_data(
    params: ParamsOfGetSignatureData,
): Promise<ResultOfGetSignatureData>;

function get_signature_data_sync(
    params: ParamsOfGetSignatureData,
): ResultOfGetSignatureData;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI used to decode.

  • message: string – Message BOC encoded in base64.

  • signature_id?: number – Signature ID to be used in unsigned data preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled


  • signature: string – Signature from the message in hex.

  • unsigned: string – Data to verify the signature in base64.



enum AbiErrorCode {
    RequiredAddressMissingForEncodeMessage = 301,
    RequiredCallSetMissingForEncodeMessage = 302,
    InvalidJson = 303,
    InvalidMessage = 304,
    EncodeDeployMessageFailed = 305,
    EncodeRunMessageFailed = 306,
    AttachSignatureFailed = 307,
    InvalidTvcImage = 308,
    RequiredPublicKeyMissingForFunctionHeader = 309,
    InvalidSigner = 310,
    InvalidAbi = 311,
    InvalidFunctionId = 312,
    InvalidData = 313,
    EncodeInitialDataFailed = 314,
    InvalidFunctionName = 315,
    PubKeyNotSupported = 316

One of the following value:

  • RequiredAddressMissingForEncodeMessage = 301

  • RequiredCallSetMissingForEncodeMessage = 302

  • InvalidJson = 303

  • InvalidMessage = 304

  • EncodeDeployMessageFailed = 305

  • EncodeRunMessageFailed = 306

  • AttachSignatureFailed = 307

  • InvalidTvcImage = 308

  • RequiredPublicKeyMissingForFunctionHeader = 309

  • InvalidSigner = 310

  • InvalidAbi = 311

  • InvalidFunctionId = 312

  • InvalidData = 313

  • EncodeInitialDataFailed = 314

  • InvalidFunctionName = 315

  • PubKeyNotSupported = 316


type AbiContractVariant = {
    value: AbiContract


type AbiJsonVariant = {
    value: string
  • value: string


type AbiHandleVariant = {
    value: AbiHandle


type AbiSerializedVariant = {
    value: AbiContract


type Abi = ({
    type: 'Contract'
} & AbiContractVariant) | ({
    type: 'Json'
} & AbiJsonVariant) | ({
    type: 'Handle'
} & AbiHandleVariant) | ({
    type: 'Serialized'
} & AbiSerializedVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'Contract'

When type is 'Json'

  • value: string

When type is 'Handle'

When type is 'Serialized'

Variant constructors:

function abiContract(value: AbiContract): Abi;
function abiJson(value: string): Abi;
function abiHandle(value: AbiHandle): Abi;
function abiSerialized(value: AbiContract): Abi;


type AbiHandle = number


The ABI function header.

Includes several hidden function parameters that contract uses for security, message delivery monitoring and replay protection reasons.

The actual set of header fields depends on the contract's ABI. If a contract's ABI does not include some headers, then they are not filled.

type FunctionHeader = {
    expire?: number,
    time?: bigint,
    pubkey?: string
  • expire?: number – Message expiration timestamp (UNIX time) in seconds. If not specified - calculated automatically from message_expiration_timeout(), try_index and message_expiration_timeout_grow_factor() (if ABI includes expire header).

  • time?: bigint – Message creation time in milliseconds. If not specified, now is used (if ABI includes time header).

  • pubkey?: string – Public key is used by the contract to check the signature. Encoded in hex. If not specified, method fails with exception (if ABI includes pubkey header)..


type CallSet = {
    function_name: string,
    header?: FunctionHeader,
    input?: any
  • function_name: string – Function name that is being called. Or function id encoded as string in hex (starting with 0x).

  • header?: FunctionHeader – Function header. If an application omits some header parameters required by the contract's ABI, the library will set the default values for them.

  • input?: any – Function input parameters according to ABI.


type DeploySet = {
    tvc?: string,
    code?: string,
    state_init?: string,
    workchain_id?: number,
    initial_data?: any,
    initial_pubkey?: string
  • tvc?: string – Content of TVC file encoded in base64. For compatibility reason this field can contain an encoded StateInit.

  • code?: string – Contract code BOC encoded with base64.

  • state_init?: string – State init BOC encoded with base64.

  • workchain_id?: number – Target workchain for destination address. Default is 0.

  • initial_data?: any – List of initial values for contract's public variables.

  • initial_pubkey?: string – Optional public key that can be provided in deploy set in order to substitute one in TVM file or provided by Signer. Public key resolving priority: 1. Public key from deploy set. 2. Public key, specified in TVM file. 3. Public key, provided by Signer. Applicable only for contracts with ABI version < 2.4. Contract initial public key should be explicitly provided inside initial_data since ABI 2.4


No keys are provided.

Creates an unsigned message.

type SignerNoneVariant = {



Only public key is provided in unprefixed hex string format to generate unsigned message and data_to_sign which can be signed later.

type SignerExternalVariant = {
    public_key: string
  • public_key: string


Key pair is provided for signing

type SignerKeysVariant = {
    keys: KeyPair


Signing Box interface is provided for signing, allows Dapps to sign messages using external APIs, such as HSM, cold wallet, etc.

type SignerSigningBoxVariant = {
    handle: SigningBoxHandle


type Signer = ({
    type: 'None'
} & SignerNoneVariant) | ({
    type: 'External'
} & SignerExternalVariant) | ({
    type: 'Keys'
} & SignerKeysVariant) | ({
    type: 'SigningBox'
} & SignerSigningBoxVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'None'

No keys are provided.

Creates an unsigned message.

When type is 'External'

Only public key is provided in unprefixed hex string format to generate unsigned message and data_to_sign which can be signed later.

  • public_key: string

When type is 'Keys'

Key pair is provided for signing

When type is 'SigningBox'

Signing Box interface is provided for signing, allows Dapps to sign messages using external APIs, such as HSM, cold wallet, etc.

Variant constructors:

function signerNone(): Signer;
function signerExternal(public_key: string): Signer;
function signerKeys(keys: KeyPair): Signer;
function signerSigningBox(handle: SigningBoxHandle): Signer;


enum MessageBodyType {
    Input = "Input",
    Output = "Output",
    InternalOutput = "InternalOutput",
    Event = "Event"

One of the following value:

  • Input = "Input" – Message contains the input of the ABI function.

  • Output = "Output" – Message contains the output of the ABI function.

  • InternalOutput = "InternalOutput" – Message contains the input of the imported ABI function. Occurs when contract sends an internal message to other contract.

  • Event = "Event" – Message contains the input of the ABI event.


type AbiParam = {
    name: string,
    type: string,
    components?: AbiParam[],
    init?: boolean
  • name: string

  • type: string

  • components?: AbiParam[]

  • init?: boolean


type AbiEvent = {
    name: string,
    inputs: AbiParam[],
    id?: string | null
  • name: string

  • inputs: AbiParam[]

  • id?: string?


type AbiData = {
    key: number,
    name: string,
    type: string,
    components?: AbiParam[]
  • key: number

  • name: string

  • type: string

  • components?: AbiParam[]


type AbiFunction = {
    name: string,
    inputs: AbiParam[],
    outputs: AbiParam[],
    id?: string | null


type AbiContract = {
    'ABI version'?: number,
    abi_version?: number,
    version?: string | null,
    header?: string[],
    functions?: AbiFunction[],
    events?: AbiEvent[],
    data?: AbiData[],
    fields?: AbiParam[]


enum DataLayout {
    Input = "Input",
    Output = "Output"

One of the following value:

  • Input = "Input" – Decode message body as function input parameters.

  • Output = "Output" – Decode message body as function output.


type ParamsOfEncodeMessageBody = {
    abi: Abi,
    call_set: CallSet,
    is_internal: boolean,
    signer: Signer,
    processing_try_index?: number,
    address?: string,
    signature_id?: number
  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI.

  • call_set: CallSet – Function call parameters. Must be specified in non deploy message. In case of deploy message contains parameters of constructor.

  • is_internal: boolean – True if internal message body must be encoded.

  • signer: Signer – Signing parameters.

  • processing_try_index?: number – Processing try index. Used in message processing with retries. Encoder uses the provided try index to calculate message expiration time. Expiration timeouts will grow with every retry. Default value is 0.

  • address?: string – Destination address of the message Since ABI version 2.3 destination address of external inbound message is used in message body signature calculation. Should be provided when signed external inbound message body is created. Otherwise can be omitted.

  • signature_id?: number – Signature ID to be used in data to sign preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled


type ResultOfEncodeMessageBody = {
    body: string,
    data_to_sign?: string
  • body: string – Message body BOC encoded with base64.

  • data_to_sign?: string – Optional data to sign. Encoded with base64. Presents when message is unsigned. Can be used for external message signing. Is this case you need to sing this data and produce signed message using abi.attach_signature.


type ParamsOfAttachSignatureToMessageBody = {
    abi: Abi,
    public_key: string,
    message: string,
    signature: string
  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI

  • public_key: string – Public key. Must be encoded with hex.

  • message: string – Unsigned message body BOC. Must be encoded with base64.

  • signature: string – Signature. Must be encoded with hex.


type ResultOfAttachSignatureToMessageBody = {
    body: string
  • body: string


type ParamsOfEncodeMessage = {
    abi: Abi,
    address?: string,
    deploy_set?: DeploySet,
    call_set?: CallSet,
    signer: Signer,
    processing_try_index?: number,
    signature_id?: number
  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI.

  • address?: string – Target address the message will be sent to. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.

  • deploy_set?: DeploySet – Deploy parameters. Must be specified in case of deploy message.

  • call_set?: CallSet – Function call parameters. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message. In case of deploy message it is optional and contains parameters of the functions that will to be called upon deploy transaction.

  • signer: Signer – Signing parameters.

  • processing_try_index?: number – Processing try index. Used in message processing with retries (if contract's ABI includes "expire" header). Encoder uses the provided try index to calculate message expiration time. The 1st message expiration time is specified in Client config. Expiration timeouts will grow with every retry. Retry grow factor is set in Client config: <.....add config parameter with default value here> Default value is 0.

  • signature_id?: number – Signature ID to be used in data to sign preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled


type ResultOfEncodeMessage = {
    message: string,
    data_to_sign?: string,
    address: string,
    message_id: string
  • message: string – Message BOC encoded with base64.

  • data_to_sign?: string – Optional data to be signed encoded in base64. Returned in case of Signer::External. Can be used for external message signing. Is this case you need to use this data to create signature and then produce signed message using abi.attach_signature.

  • address: string – Destination address.

  • message_id: string – Message id.


type ParamsOfEncodeInternalMessage = {
    abi?: Abi,
    address?: string,
    src_address?: string,
    deploy_set?: DeploySet,
    call_set?: CallSet,
    value: string,
    bounce?: boolean,
    enable_ihr?: boolean
  • abi?: Abi – Contract ABI. Can be None if both deploy_set and call_set are None.

  • address?: string – Target address the message will be sent to. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.

  • src_address?: string – Source address of the message.

  • deploy_set?: DeploySet – Deploy parameters. Must be specified in case of deploy message.

  • call_set?: CallSet – Function call parameters. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message. In case of deploy message it is optional and contains parameters of the functions that will to be called upon deploy transaction.

  • value: string – Value in nanotokens to be sent with message.

  • bounce?: boolean – Flag of bounceable message. Default is true.

  • enable_ihr?: boolean – Enable Instant Hypercube Routing for the message. Default is false.


type ResultOfEncodeInternalMessage = {
    message: string,
    address: string,
    message_id: string
  • message: string – Message BOC encoded with base64.

  • address: string – Destination address.

  • message_id: string – Message id.


type ParamsOfAttachSignature = {
    abi: Abi,
    public_key: string,
    message: string,
    signature: string
  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI

  • public_key: string – Public key encoded in hex.

  • message: string – Unsigned message BOC encoded in base64.

  • signature: string – Signature encoded in hex.


type ResultOfAttachSignature = {
    message: string,
    message_id: string
  • message: string – Signed message BOC

  • message_id: string – Message ID


type ParamsOfDecodeMessage = {
    abi: Abi,
    message: string,
    allow_partial?: boolean,
    function_name?: string,
    data_layout?: DataLayout
  • abi: Abi – contract ABI

  • message: string – Message BOC

  • allow_partial?: boolean – Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: true - return decoded values false - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)

  • function_name?: string – Function name or function id if is known in advance

  • data_layout?: DataLayout


type DecodedMessageBody = {
    body_type: MessageBodyType,
    name: string,
    value?: any,
    header?: FunctionHeader
  • body_type: MessageBodyType – Type of the message body content.

  • name: string – Function or event name.

  • value?: any – Parameters or result value.

  • header?: FunctionHeader – Function header.


type ParamsOfDecodeMessageBody = {
    abi: Abi,
    body: string,
    is_internal: boolean,
    allow_partial?: boolean,
    function_name?: string,
    data_layout?: DataLayout
  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI used to decode.

  • body: string – Message body BOC encoded in base64.

  • is_internal: boolean – True if the body belongs to the internal message.

  • allow_partial?: boolean – Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: true - return decoded values false - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)

  • function_name?: string – Function name or function id if is known in advance

  • data_layout?: DataLayout


type ParamsOfEncodeAccount = {
    state_init: string,
    balance?: bigint,
    last_trans_lt?: bigint,
    last_paid?: number,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType
  • state_init: string – Account state init.

  • balance?: bigint – Initial balance.

  • last_trans_lt?: bigint – Initial value for the last_trans_lt.

  • last_paid?: number – Initial value for the last_paid.

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided


type ResultOfEncodeAccount = {
    account: string,
    id: string
  • account: string – Account BOC encoded in base64.

  • id: string – Account ID encoded in hex.


type ParamsOfDecodeAccountData = {
    abi: Abi,
    data: string,
    allow_partial?: boolean
  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI

  • data: string – Data BOC or BOC handle

  • allow_partial?: boolean – Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: true - return decoded values false - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)


type ResultOfDecodeAccountData = {
    data: any
  • data: any – Decoded data as a JSON structure.


type ParamsOfUpdateInitialData = {
    abi: Abi,
    data: string,
    initial_data?: any,
    initial_pubkey?: string,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType
  • abi: Abi – Contract ABI

  • data: string – Data BOC or BOC handle

  • initial_data?: any – List of initial values for contract's static variables. abi parameter should be provided to set initial data

  • initial_pubkey?: string – Initial account owner's public key to set into account data

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.


type ResultOfUpdateInitialData = {
    data: string
  • data: string – Updated data BOC or BOC handle


type ParamsOfEncodeInitialData = {
    abi: Abi,
    initial_data?: any,
    initial_pubkey?: string,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType