Contract management in everdev gives you the ability to easily deploy and run your smart contracts on blockchain network(s).
View contract info
This command displays a detailed summary for a contract. Contract ABI and TVC files are required to run it. Account address on the network is calculated from TVC and signer.
Network, signer, data and account address parameters can be overridden with the following options:
$ everdev contract info -h
EverDev Version: 0.5.0
Use: everdev contract info file [options]
file ABI file
--help, -h Show command usage
--network, -n Network name
--signer, -s Signer key name
--data, -d Deploying initial data as name:value,...
This data is required to calculate the account address and to
deploy contract.
Array values must be specified as [item,...]. Spaces are not
allowed. If value contains spaces or special symbols "[],:"
it must be enclosed in "" or ''
--address, -a Account address
Deploy contract
This command deploys a contract to the blockchain. Contract ABI and TVC files are required to run it.
everdev contract deploy abi_filename
Command displays deployment summary and requests constructor function parameters. Result example:
$ everdev contract deploy Contract.abi.json
Network: dev
Signer: sign1
Address: 0:0435cb4e70585759ac514bb9fd1770caeb8c3941d882b5a16d589b368cb49261
Enter constructor parameters
param1 (uint256[]): value
Enter constructor parameters
param2 (uint8): value
Deploy parameters can be specified in the deploy command with the following options:
$ everdev contract deploy -h
EverDev Version: 0.5.0
Use: everdev contract deploy file function [options]
file ABI file
function Function name
--help, -h Show command usage
--network, -n Network name
--signer, -s Signer key name
--input, -i Function parameters as name:value,...
Array values must be specified as [item,...]. Spaces are not
allowed. If value contains spaces or special symbols "[],:"
it must be enclosed in "" or ''
--data, -d Deploying initial data as name:value,...
This data is required to calculate the account address and to
deploy contract.
Array values must be specified as [item,...]. Spaces are not
allowed. If value contains spaces or special symbols "[],:"
it must be enclosed in "" or ''
--value, -v Deploying balance value in nano tokens
--prevent-ui, -p Prevent user interaction
Useful in shell scripting e.g. on server or in some
automating to disable waiting for the user input.
Instead everdev will abort with error.
For example when some parameters are missing in command line
then ton dev will prompt user to input values for missing
parameters (or fails if prevent-ui option is specified).
Example of a 2/3 multisig wallet deployment command:
Note that the entire set of params is enclosed in DOUBLE quotes, and each parameter containing special characters is enclosed in SINGLE quotes. In the next paragraph, you can find an example of calling a function when its argument is a struct.
Run contract deployed on the network
This command runs any function of a contract deployed on the blockchain. Contract ABI and TVC files are required to run it.
everdev contract run abi_filename
Command displays available functions and asks to select one. Result example:
$ everdev contract run Contract.abi.json
Network: dev
Signer: sign1
Address: 0:a4629d617df931d8ad86ed24f4cac3d321788ba082574144f5820f2894493fbc
Available functions:
1) func1
2) func2
Select function (number): 2
Network, signer and account address parameters can be overridden and function parameters specified in the command with the following options:
$ everdev contract run -h
EverDev Version: 0.5.0
Use: everdev contract run file function [options]
file ABI file
function Function name
--help, -h Show command usage
--network, -n Network name
--signer, -s Signer key name
--data, -d Deploying initial data as name:value,...
This data is required to calculate the account address and to
deploy contract.
Array values must be specified as [item,...]. Spaces are not
allowed. If value contains spaces or special symbols "[],:"
it must be enclosed in "" or ''
--address, -a Account address
--input, -i Function parameters as name:value,...
Array values must be specified as [item,...]. Spaces are not
allowed. If value contains spaces or special symbols "[],:"
it must be enclosed in "" or ''
--prevent-ui, -p Prevent user interaction
Useful in shell scripting e.g. on server or in some
automating to disable waiting for the user input.
Instead everdev will abort with error.
For example when some parameters are missing in command line
then ton dev will prompt user to input values for missing
parameters (or fails if prevent-ui option is specified).
Example of creating a transaction and confirming it in a multisig wallet:
everdev contract run SetcodeMultisigWallet.abi.json submitTransaction -n dev -s sign1 -i dest:255a3ad9dfa8aa4f3481856aafc7d79f47d50205190bd56147138740e9b177f3,value:500000000,bounce:true,allBalance:false,payload:""
everdev contract run SetcodeMultisigWallet.abi.json confirmTransaction -n dev -a 0:04dee1edc3f3d6b23529dcf5a6133627d06a39826bb14cc6334ffea272b15d50 -s sign2 -i transactionId:6954030467099431873
To execute a contract without signing, use signer none option:
everdev contract run --signer none --address <address>
everdev contract run -s none -a <address>
In this case you have to explicitly specify address in run function because otherwise everdev may calculate a wrong address from empty pubkey.
To execute a smart contract function with bytes argument, the argument needs to be in hex format.
This command downloads a contract and runs it locally on TVM. Contract ABI and TVC files are required to run it.
everdev contract run-local abi_filename
Command displays available functions and asks to select one. Result example:
$ everdev contract run-local Contract.abi.json
Network: dev
Signer: sign1
Address: 0:a4629d617df931d8ad86ed24f4cac3d321788ba082574144f5820f2894493fbc
Available functions:
1) func1
2) func1
Select function (number):
Network, signer and account address parameters can be overridden and function parameters specified in the command with the following options:
$ everdev contract run-local -h
EverDev Version: 0.5.0
Use: everdev contract run-local file function [options]
file ABI file
function Function name
--help, -h Show command usage
--network, -n Network name
--signer, -s Signer key name
--data, -d Deploying initial data as name:value,...
This data is required to calculate the account address and to
deploy contract.
Array values must be specified as [item,...]. Spaces are not
allowed. If value contains spaces or special symbols "[],:"
it must be enclosed in "" or ''
--address, -a Account address
--input, -i Function parameters as name:value,...
Array values must be specified as [item,...]. Spaces are not
allowed. If value contains spaces or special symbols "[],:"
it must be enclosed in "" or ''
--prevent-ui, -p Prevent user interaction
Useful in shell scripting e.g. on server or in some
automating to disable waiting for the user input.
Instead everdev will abort with error.
For example when some parameters are missing in command line
then ton dev will prompt user to input values for missing
parameters (or fails if prevent-ui option is specified).
Emulate transaction executor locally on TVM
This command downloads a contract and emulates transaction execution locally on TVM. Contract ABI and TVC files are required to run it.
everdev contract run-executor abi_filename
Command displays available functions and asks to select one. Result:
$ everdev contract run-executor Contract.abi.json
Network: dev
Signer: sign1
Address: 0:a4629d617df931d8ad86ed24f4cac3d321788ba082574144f5820f2894493fbc
Available functions:
1) func1
2) func2
Select function (number):
Network, signer and account address parameters can be overridden and function parameters specified in the command with the following options:
$ everdev contract run-executor -h
EverDev Version: 0.5.0
Use: everdev contract run-executor file function [options]
file ABI file
function Function name
--help, -h Show command usage
--network, -n Network name
--signer, -s Signer key name
--data, -d Deploying initial data as name:value,...
This data is required to calculate the account address and to
deploy contract.
Array values must be specified as [item,...]. Spaces are not
allowed. If value contains spaces or special symbols "[],:"
it must be enclosed in "" or ''
--address, -a Account address
--input, -i Function parameters as name:value,...
Array values must be specified as [item,...]. Spaces are not
allowed. If value contains spaces or special symbols "[],:"
it must be enclosed in "" or ''
--prevent-ui, -p Prevent user interaction
Useful in shell scripting e.g. on server or in some
automating to disable waiting for the user input.
Instead everdev will abort with error.
For example when some parameters are missing in command line
then ton dev will prompt user to input values for missing
parameters (or fails if prevent-ui option is specified).
Top up contract balance from giver
If you have set a giver for a network, you can top up contract balances on it with the following command.
everdev contract topup abi_filename
Defalt signer and giver parameters will be used, unless otherwise specified through the following options:
$ everdev contract topup -h
EverDev Version: 0.5.0
Use: everdev contract topup file [options]
file ABI file
--help, -h Show command usage
--address, -a Account address
--network, -n Network name
--signer, -s Signer key name
--data, -d Deploying initial data as name:value,...
This data is required to calculate the account address and to
deploy contract.
Array values must be specified as [item,...]. Spaces are not
allowed. If value contains spaces or special symbols "[],:"
it must be enclosed in "" or ''
--value, -v Deploying balance value in nano tokens
To top up any known address without providing keys or contract files, use the following command:
everdev contract topup --address <address>
everdev ct -a <addrress>
Decode data from a contract deployed on the network.
$ everdev contract decode-data --help
EverDev Version: 1.2.0
Use: everdev contract decode-data file [options]
file ABI file
--help, -h Show command usage
--network, -n Network name
--address, -a Account address