Network Tool

Network tool is a convenient way to organize all of your network configurations in one place.

You can register several blockchains (networks) under short names and then use these names as a target blockchain when working with contracts.

You can mark one of the networks as a default. It can be used in network commands without providing net name.

Available commands

See available commands with help command:

$ everdev network --help
EverDev Version: 1.4.0
Use: everdev network command args [options]
    --help,    -h  Show command usage
    add             Add net
    credentials, c  Set credentials for network authentication
    delete          Delete network from registry
    list, l         Prints list of networks
    info, i         Prints network detailed information
    default, d      Set default network
    giver, g        Set giver for network

Add a network

This command adds a network to the everdev registry.

everdev network add network_name network_endpoint(s)

See other available network addition options with help command:

$ everdev network add -h
EverDev Version: 0.5.0
Use: everdev network add name endpoints [options]
    endpoints  Comma separated endpoints
    --help, -h   Show command usage
    --force, -f  Overwrite key if already exists

Example with mainnet endpoint:

everdev network add main

Set credentials for a network

$ everdev network credentials --help
EverDev Version: 1.4.0
Use: everdev network credentials name [options]
    name  Network name
    --help, -h        Show command usage
    --project, -p     Your project ID
    --access-key, -k  Your secret or JWT token
    --clear           Clear saved credentials (mutually exclusive with other options)

Access to the devnet and mainnet blockchains requires authorization. Create a project on if you don't have one, find your "Project Id" and "Secret" (optional) on the "Security" tab, and pass them as parameters:

Example with "devnet" endpoint:

everdev network credentials devnet --project <Project Id> --access-key <Secret>

Set a giver for a network

This command sets a giver account for a network. Giver will be used to top up your account balances on the network, including during deployment.

everdev network giver network_name giver_address --type giver_type

See other available network addition options with help command:

$ everdev network giver -h
EverDev Version: 0.5.0
Use: everdev network giver name address [options]
    name     Network name
    address  Giver address
    --help, -h    Show command usage
    --signer, -s  Signer to be used with giver
    --value, -v   Deploying account initial balance in nanotokens
    --type, -t    Type giver contract (GiverV1 | GiverV2 | GiverV3 | SafeMultisigWallet | MsigV2 | SetcodeMultisigWallet)

Note: The default signer and the initial balance value of 10 tokens will be used, unless otherwise specified through options. Also note, that some contracts may require a higher initial balance for successful deployment. DePool contract, for instance, requires a minimun of 21 tokens.

Only one giver can be set for a network. Setting another one will overwrite the current giver. To view the current giver settings for all networks, use the everdev network list command (for details see the section below).

List the registered networks

This command lists all registered networks, their public endpoints, and their giver addresses, if any.

everdev network list


$ everdev network list
Network        Endpoints                                        Giver
-------------  -----------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------
se             http://localhost                                 0:b5e9240fc2d2f1ff8cbb1d1dee7fb7cae155e5f6320e585fcc685698994a19a5
dev (Default)                     0:255a3ad9dfa8aa4f3481856aafc7d79f47d50205190bd56147138740e9b177f3

Set a default network

This command sets a previously added network as default (initially the mainnet is used by default).

everdev network default network_name

Delete a network

This command deletes a network from everdev registry.

everdev network delete network_name

Last updated

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